Tickets for KidsFest are officially SOLD OUT!
We can’t wait to host your children and each them about JESUS!
See you on the 29th of March.
About Gracious Daughters
Gracious Daughters is a place where we give the Holy Spirit room to move.
We set the table for YOU to come, sit, eat, and receive all that the Lord has for you.
We don’t build around guest speakers—we centre everything on Jesus speaking to us.
Come and discover who you are in Christ Jesus and how deeply your FATHER in heaven loves you.
You will leave saying how good HE is, not how good she is.

Our heart is to:
- Establish every girl and woman in her identity as a daughter of the King.
- Equip every one of God’s daughters to face every challenge by His grace and live in the freedom of His acceptance and love.
- Empower every gracious daughter to share her Jesus story, evangelising and proclaiming the goodness of our Saviour.