Gracious Daughters

Gracious Daughters is  our  women’s ministry  in  Redemption  &  Rhema Church  worldwide. 

 We  gather  to  glorify one name and one name only, JESUS.

Our heart is to  create  moments for  women  to  come  sit  at the feet of Jesus  and receive. We believe Jesus came to reveal one name and one name only; FATHER. 

Through Jesus we have access to  this  relationship that makes us  whole.                

We  encourage  women  to  walk out  the fullness  0f Gods calling on their  lives  as they  are  established  in our  one,true identity as a beloved daughter of God. 


Understanding & embracing your worth and significance as a Beloved Daughter of God.


Through the teaching and preaching of the Word, the revelation of the Gospel of Jesus illuminates your true identity as God’s Daughter


When God's daughters gather together in one room, lifting their voices in prayer, a powerful shift takes place. Faith abounds and aligns under the name of Jesus.


We make room for God's daughters to share their personal encounters with Jesus.


Our heart is for every Daughter to feel a sense of belonging, to know they are seen, and deeply loved.


A personal and intentional worship experience for God's daughters to sit and find rest at his feet.

"Born for such a time as this"

REGISTer now
FOR OUR NEXT Gathering

Registration for our next Gracious Daughters gathering is now open, 

Join us on Saturday, 31 August 2024.

Let’s get together to have an encounter with our Heavenly Father.

He wants to give us, His daughters, something new. 

The Journey of Gracious Daughters

We are grateful to be able to guide you through the journey of Gracious Daughters content. Take a moment to explore our past events, gatherings, and meet some of the Gracious Girls who have been a part of it. 

Did you know that GD has reached across continents? We are excited to introduce you not only to South Africa, but also the Netherlands, and Brazil!

Your Experience